Srey Sotheavy, presently is executive director at the Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT). She started to step in peacebuilding work since 2009 as interfaith project manager, peace research, and deputy director at the Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT). Beside core work, she also involved in volunteer work with the Working Group for Peace (WGP) and other relate social activities work. Sotheavy graduated from Master of business and administration in general management from Build Bright University in 2010, graduated from Master of Art on Peace and Conflict Study from PUC in March 2022 and completed short courses on peacebuilding and leadership training from Philippine and Thailand. Sotheavy enjoys working with peacebuilding and hope a true spiritual conversion will respect the dignity, value of person, ethnic, and religious traditions. Peacebuilding is a long road that we must patience and walk together in humble and forgive to transform our communities and society. All communities in Cambodia need to join hands to make our region one in which our shared values of peace, compassion, love, justpeace, and harmony truly come to shape and characterize our society.

Email: director@act-kh.org/ sotheavy82@gmail.com

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