BOARD MEMBER – ហ៊ឺម យន់

ហ៊ឺម យន់

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Mr. Him Yun, is holding Master Degree of Peace Studies from University of Cambodia (UC), he is interested to be a member of member of Board of Director of Alliance for Conflict Transformation (ACT). He attended different trainings in Cambodia as well as in foreign countries. For instance, he attended Buddhist Leadership and Social Innovation with International Engaged Buddhist (INEB), Thailand, and Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation, Asian Muslim Network (AMAN), Bangkok, Thailand.
Mr. Him Yun, experienced in working with Khmer Youth Association (KYA) over 10 years in different positions included Peace Building and Youth Exchange for Peace and Social Innovation coordinator. Currently he works for Coalition for Integrity and Social Accountability (CISA).
As ACT is working on Peace Building is related to the background of education and experiences on social working. Hope he will contribute to build up ACT organization as well as Cambodia society.

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